Human Needs

Mama Kelly Orphanage Home and Care Centre.

James 1:27 says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” We take this as our primary responsibility to take care of the orphans, Through this we have started a care centre and an orphanage home where we provide, food shelter, clothing, and education to 35 children at the centre.

Education and sponsorship

Kings Heritage Academy

We understand the education is the key to unlock the potential of lives. Mombasa is the second city in Kenya , built on the showers of the Indian Ocean.
It is a commercial tourist city that has a very huge inflow of people from all corners of the globe. The influx of people has resulted into early and unwanted pregnancies that have given rise to many street children.
To mitigate this we embarked on a program to reach out to street children and provide conducive environment for education. Therefore giving birth to the school which has a population of 118 pupils half of which are from the street and the rest from the slums around.

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